Project: PeaceMakers, Inc. (PPMI) List of Services and Classes
Domestic Violence Counseling
Case management and professional counseling services to individuals and families who have been or are victims of domestic violence.
Legal Services and Advocacy
Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence (DV/IPV) Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) preparation assistance and electronic filing submission. All TROs are by appointment only and have a $10 processing fee. For an appointment, please contact our office at (323) 291-2525.
Life Skills Education Parenting Classes
Improve self-esteem, explore strengths and improve your parenting skills in a supportive group setting. Anger Management classes are for the local community, as well as, victims of domestic violence. These classes incorporate mediation services for people in conflict with one another and desire to restore their relationship. Classes are taught by a certified facilitator. Sessions have open enrollment and are completed in 20 weeks cycles.
Life Skills Education Anger Management
Explore alternatives to violent relationships. Anger Management classes for the local community as well as victims of domestic violence. Mediation services for people in conflict with one another and who desire to restore their relationship. Classes are taught by certified facilitators.
Information and Referral Services
Gain self-knowledge and information to develop tools for employment and educational assistance. We also offer referral services to programs such as, domestic violence and homeless shelters; City of Los Angeles’ Housing Authority and Victims of Crime entities.
Peer Support Group Sessions
For the person who has succeeded in becoming a strong survivor but needs a little tune up to keep them going in the right direction. These group sessions are designed to continue their empowerment journey, share skills and words of encouragement with those who are going through with them.
Speakers Bureau
The lack of information for victims, survivors and their family has allowed the epidemic of domestic violence to soar. Through our Speakers Bureau, presenters and facilitators can provide much needed information and education concerning the issues of Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner Violence (DV/IPV). The staff speaks at multiple business entities, schools (high school and colleges), block clubs, youth groups, churches, and community outreach events. It is a known fact that when one knows better, they do better.
If you would like for us to provide DV/IPV or Faith-Base Community training in the "Effects Domestic Violence Has on Your Congregation," please click here to complete and submit our contact form.